Thursday, 12 September 2013


CAGE:                        Small RM 6.00   Medium RM 12.00  Bigger RM 20.00

GRASS:                     Alfafa Hay  1kg RM 10.00   2kg RM 18.00
                                    Timothy Hay  1kg RM 15.00   2kg RM 30.00

MULTI-VITAMIN:      GRED A RM 20.00  GRED B RM 15.00

SPRAY:                     100ML RM 5.00   200ML RM 10.00  500ML RM 15.00

SYAMPU:                  100ML RM 5.00  200ML RM 10.00  500ML RM 15.00

Services: Tax will be invoice if you need a transport to  send the rabbit to your home. It                           will be charged by km.

Enquire for a question please have a contact with Hakim (017-6475857)

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